Friday, May 22, 2020
The Efficiency Of The Prison System Essay - 2411 Words
Antoine Niezborala Instructor Ghent CRTW 201 April 25, 2016 The Efficiency of the Prison System If Johnny Cash described the sad daily life of inmates in his classic  « Folsom Prison Blues  », today it’s all the prison system which is feeling pretty blue. Justice is defined as the administration of law. But within that definition is the implicit understanding that the law must be applied even handedly. The rule of law is meant to apply to all, but currently in America that crucial principle can be questioned. It is blatantly obvious that the justice system could be better. It takes minimal effort to peer under the veneer of blind justice. Some argues that prison system is a necessary solution to make our society safer, I would say that justice system has many failures, its effects are so much negative to not be questioned. The assumption about prisons benefit is based on two principles : The first principle is that the fear of incarceration deters crime. The second is that for criminals who are imprisoned, time spent in prison is s upposed to serve a rehabilitation goal which will allows detainees to better fit with the society in the future. But the modern prison system has failed to fulfill either of these objectives. Indeed, two thirds of prisoners commit an offense again within their years of being released and often with more important crimes. The supposed balance between punishment and rehabilitation is out of date and the cause of this can be explained by severalShow MoreRelatedWhat is Wrong with Out Penal System817 Words  | 3 Pagesfuture atrocities glorious and otherwise.†In the position that prison reform is not justified and shouldn’t be ruled in favor of, that I feel compelled to negate today’s resolution. Resolved: Prison reform is not justified. For clarification of today’s round, I offer the following counter definitions. 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