Thursday, May 7, 2020
A Midsummer Night s Dream And The Taming Of The Shrew
A comedic story can be summed up as one thing; a hero who triumphs over evil and wins the day. In these tales, our main character encounters around one hardship and overcomes it with much ease. The ancient Greek playwrights had a similar view on comedic tales: in order for something to be a comedy, the main character must reach a positive outcome. So no matter what comes their way, our hero will be in a better spot than he was at the beginning. Well-known comedies include A Midsummer Night s Dream, The Taming of the Shrew, and Cyrano de Bergerac. In A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Taming of the Shrew, the main character achieves their goal with few hardships. Yet, in Cyrano de Bergerac, our main character’s ambitions are never†¦show more content†¦Yet, if he were to act sad and depressed, then the tale would be more of a tragedy, since it would belabor the negative context. By focusing on Cyrano’s point of view, Rostand was able to make a pathetic situ ation seem humorous and hopeful. In this tragic event, Rostand accentuates Cyrano s support towards Roxane and by doing so, he makes the scene seem more of a heroic comedy. Consequently, the tension between Cyrano and Roxane isn t the only place where Cyrano s wit is up against the tragic play. On the other hand, Cyrano’s optimism counterbalances the play’s tragic theme when he confronts De Guiche, during a battle in Arras. De Guiche, who suffers from Cyrano’s humiliations, decides to betray the Gascons and sent the Spanish army to slaughter them. Despite this, Cyrano takes this as an opportunity to show off his strength. He tells his fellow Gascons, â€Å"My friends, we shall add now to our old Gascon arms with their six chevrons, blue and gold, a seventh, blood red!†(IV. 164). Here, Cyrano seems especially proud of this chance, that he and his fellow soldiers will get the chance to die in â€Å"honor.†Not only that, but right before he charges into battle, Cyrano yells at a Spanish offer who asks him, â€Å"Who are these men who are so fond of death?†(IV 200). Full of pride, he replies, â€Å"The Cadets of Gascoyne, the defenders of Carbon de Castel-Jaloux, free fighters, free lovers, free spenders.†(IV 200). In this sc ene, despite the tragic event that De Guiche hasShow MoreRelatedLa Story and Shakespeare1546 Words  | 7 Pagescredited with being a variation on A Midsummer Nights Dream. This is a more subtle lifting of the works. The similarities are limited to the device of the confused lovers, and the possible use of magic in order to bring the lovers to their correct partner. 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Here are some of my favorite stories ever written; Othello, The Moon of Venice, The Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth Night or What You Will, Julius Caesar, Richard III, Macbeth (which was a favorite in high school), Midsummer Night’s Dream ( I have read that book), Henry V, Hamlet, which I might add Mel Gibson did very well playing that part, and my most favorite love story of all time, Romeo and Juliet. As youRead MoreHow Shakespeare Impacted The British History?1851 Words  | 8 Pagesto his own outstanding work due to the fact that his parents were illiterate. Shakespeare’s first plays were based on the categories of comedy and tragedy such as â€Å"Titus Andronicus , The Two Gentlemen of Verona , The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew, and â€Å"Henry VI†. (William Shakespeare, n.d.). He began interacting with different theater companies when his plays started becoming a hit on the stage. 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